shhhhhhhhh pt2: Not a fan of the fan - Copymaster3D 300
This is a work in progress but as the blog is being written at the same time as I am working (for a change), I thought I might as well publish it to make it a live update of sorts. So do pop back in the future to see when I finally give up and set the lot on fire. Intro and vast procrastination The cooling fan is one of the loudest parts of the Copymaster3D 300. Let's see if we can make that not the case anymore. Although we are in the aim of quietening down this printer this will also be straying into parts cooling too so this will probably get even more wordy and rambling than usual. Strap in. The parts cooling fan also cools the cold end of the extruder. It is hidden inside the printer head chassis with a flow diverter between it and the heatsink. This allows some air flow to the cold end heatsink and the other half to be sent down a duct in the general direction of the part. The exhaust from the cold end cooling can escape via the printing head or a vent at the top o...