Printing on fabric *Work in progress*

This is a work in progress but as the blog is being written at the same time as I am working (for a change), I thought I might as well publish it to make it a live update of sorts. So do pop back in the future to see when I finally give up and set the lot on fire. To save a load of wasted effort with me explaining all of this again. Here is the Prusa blog which walks you through the process of using your printer on fabric. There is even a video linked in their blog. I decided to give this a go as I need some work t-shirts and what better way to show off my 3D printing than a 3D printed T-shirt logo? Well I can think of a few things but it is still cool. fig.01 The first step is nice and easy, simply print the frame and glue a load of magnets to it. I had the same issue as many others, with a slight shift on the upper layer on one side. One used founds adding more supports helped prevent that. Well maybe, they also swapped to PLA. Either way, mine wasn't that bad and wa...